What is a survival bag and why you should always have one in your car

Kinja'd!!! "jsmizira" (jmizira)
01/20/2014 at 11:00 • Filed to: Survival bags

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 10

At the risk of being painfully obvious, winter is cold, summer is hot, and being broken down on the side of the road sucks. I think everyone can understand these three facts. So that being the case, how can you make sure that these three insignificantly minor facts don't end up being Extremely Deadly?

Survival bags are handy little bags that hold good things that make surviving situations plausible. If that is too obscure then lets go over what the basic parts of those handy little bags.

1. The Bag. Again here is the obvious stuff. it should be big enough, to be durable, and to be easily accessible when you need it.

2. Stuff To Keep You Alive. What do you need to live? Food? Water? Need any medicine regularly? You need to keep that stuff with you at all time. Do you you have a female friend/Significant other/mom who keeps cliff bars and bottles of water in her purse? You do. Don't even say you don't because you do. Lier. well when your car careens off the road because you *allegedly* decided to try to drift into a/an isolated curb/dense forest/ snow drift/etc. that nice lady wont be with you or be so angry at you she wont share her granola bar. Now your stuff is broken and help is on the way but its an hour away. Are you hungry and thirsty yet?

What sounds good? Beef jerky, granola bars, stuff that keeps well, and has a lot of fats and sugars. These will help you keep up your energy and keep you alive. Then you need to wash it all down and keep from getting dehydrated. 1 liter of water per person per day is just about enough. Also make sure to get new water bottles once every 6 months to keep from getting the scurvy.

Then what if you get a slight cut? you got a Bandaid? No? Well thats not good for you now is it?



3. Stuff To Keep Your Car Alive. New car? Sweet! congratulations! We are happy and jealous for you. Your need for stuff to keep your car alive is very little, but you should still keep some stuff with you. What are musts are duct tape, jumper cables, tire pressure gauge, a pair of good philips and flat head screwdrivers, a cell phone and an AAA card.



show your card and save....your hide

Now be advised kind people you NEED the above with a new car. If you have an old car your NEEDS are much more. a quart of oil if your car leaks or burns oil, a gallon of coolant if your your bucket runs hot or leaks coolant, etc, etc. All this stuff is heavy and if left unsecured will go thud in an accident and if it goes thud in your dome you are kinda screwed.

4. Prepare For The Weather

Is it cold? Get stuff to keep you warm. Is it hot? Cooling packs are your friend. Is there snow? Get a small flat shovel and winter tires, trust me it will come in handy.

Whatever you do and however you prepare, use your head because if you don't you will be banging it against your car that hasn't been prepared.

My name is Jamil and I occasionally like to write, always love to drive, and most times love to wrench. Expect more cool and helpful stuff from !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .


Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > jsmizira
01/20/2014 at 11:20


What I leave in my truck all the time in a big box:

10 liters of water

food (beef jerky, crackers, peanuts, granola bars and cliff bars) My daughter helps me keep it fresh by eating the crackers and hanging out with me when I work on it.

0 degree synthetic sleeping bag

Beat up work jacket

gloves (work and winter)

recovery tools (tow strap, 1 solid 2 inch receiver tow point with clevis, 2 clevis rings)

Tools, including 4 way tire iron, a complete set of sockets, electrical tools and spare wire/fuses

cards and other entertainment

wood pieces for a jack point

first aid kit

waterproof poncho

spare batteries


2 small battery lanterns and a flashlight


I may not need it all, all the time, but I everything in there I have used at least once on one occasion.

it also doesn't hurt that I have really meaty tires and locking front, rear and center diffs so getting stuck isn't a traction issues as much as it is a mechanical issue. if and when it happens. More often that not its just being stuck in traffic coming down from the resorts or going over a pass.

Kinja'd!!! thebigbossyboss > jsmizira
01/20/2014 at 11:39


This reminds me I should move my washer jugs from the back seat to the trunk. Nothing like getting thunk'ed in the head by a gallon of washer fluid in a roll over.

Kinja'd!!! jsmizira > HammerheadFistpunch
01/20/2014 at 11:40


People! I present to you your role model!

Kinja'd!!! Milky > HammerheadFistpunch
01/20/2014 at 17:02


That seems like A LOT of unneeded weight.

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > Milky
01/20/2014 at 17:06


you say unneeded, I saw I don't want to die in the boonies with my family. it doesn't seem to matter with my truck anyway, goes just as slow, gets just as bad mileage.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > jsmizira
01/20/2014 at 17:09


So this just in, its 2014 and the most people don't live in the middle of no where.

All you need now a days is a AAA card, Fix-a-flat, and jumper cables. Really you can plan all you want and carry everything with you, but in the end 99% of the time you'll never use it & its a lot of weight that does you no good.

Kinja'd!!! jsmizira > Milky
01/20/2014 at 17:28


are you sure? because i used the crap out of my survival kit in upstate new York where it took a tow truck driver 2 freaking hours to get to me in the town i lived in, in front of a main resturant that closed at 9:oopm on a sunday at -2*f. Or in Iowa where i got pushed into a ditch by a semi truck on the freeway an nobody stopped for 30 min while i used my shovel to try to dig my truck out with my shovel. or when i used the jumper cables to help out a nice young lady who left her lights on for the past 2 hours in a theater. they were glad. life prefers those who are prepared. I'm prepared.

Kinja'd!!! jsmizira > Milky
01/20/2014 at 18:36


You seem to be worried about weight a lot. Having a survival bag may not be needed in a big city where you barely use a car. And you definitely don't need a shovel if you never seen snow and think dirt is the small gritty stuff on the sidewalk. The theme to the post is if you are driving a car be prepared not to die or be badly injured in the activities you do with the car. I no longer carry a shovel because I don't need it. I do carry other stuff now because I do need it (long a** screwdriver for... Don't ask). There is bound to be something you always carry with you in your car and that's part of your survival kit.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > jsmizira
01/20/2014 at 19:44


Well first off I live in Michigan so I know about some snow. But even when I lived in the country the only extra thing I carried was a tow strap. Hell I only had that because I went off road a lot …. but I used it to pull people out of ditches a decent amount.

I just can't wrap my head around carrying food and clothing in my car JUST in case something happens. Or any of the other things you and hammerhead have said.

Kinja'd!!! jsmizira > Milky
01/20/2014 at 20:09


I guess you've just been lucky so far. As for me an hammerhead probably not so much but that's why we bring stuff.